Thursday, May 19, 2011

Kindle E-Books Now Outselling All Paper Books on Amazon

You'd think that someone who covers publishing for a living could spell bellwether. In any case, kindle took only four years to surpass all paper book sales on Amazon. Bellwether indeed!

Kindle E-Books Now Outselling All Paper Books on Amazon

Amazon announced a bell weather moment for electronic books today - Kindle e-books now completely outsell hardcover and ... Read more

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Is that a supercomputer in your pocket, or are you just happy to live in the future?

ONE core of the iPad 2 is equivalent to a Cray supercomputer circa 1985. Both cores may push it another decade, to 1994.

And, despite what the author says, 1985 is NOT a helluva long time ago.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Friday, May 6, 2011

Article: Community colleges wasting student time and money - Class Struggle

Wait, what!?!!??

" Their professors still struggle to communicate with students who do not fit the usual collegiate mold."

The reporter makes some Valid points about relying on single measures of readiness, but you can't just drop claims like that into the last graf, with no evidence and no attribution. I think most of us do a fine job communicating with students who do not fit "the collegiate mold." that's why we're working at community colleges.

Thursday, May 5, 2011