Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Assignment - Writing With Keywords for Search Engine Optimization

A new assignment has been posted to Blackboard:

Search Engine Optimization is the process of maximizing your site’s chances of appearing at or near the top of searches in services such as Google. While no single strategy can guarantee best results, there are a few things you can do when writing copy for your site to improve your search results.

Please read the Mashable article to get an appreciation for how intricate this process can be. Then, on the blog site you set up for this class, create a new entry. In that new entry, write a brief description of one of the following topics for a hypothetical website (you may need to do some research, and if you want to choose your own topic, please clear it with me first via email):
  • Your site is a review site of the week’s best new independent music;
  • Your site is to help publicize a Farmer’s Market/Food Co-Op in your community;
  • Your site is for collectors of antique bicycles
  • Your site promotes a “green” lifestyle

Write an appropriate blog title with keywords. Include keywords in your entry’s tags. Write about 3-4 paragraphs (approximate) using appropriate keywords in the text.

When you have completed your entry, post it to your blog, and create a second entry. In the second entry, explain how you determined what SEO keywords you would emphasize. Test your keywords by searching for them in Google and link to the top three search results. Do your keywords seem to be directing searchers to the appropriate topic? If not, why not?

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