NOTE: I'm reposting this so that everyone catches it. Please read the post, then post responses to your own blog.
OK, we're all set up with our blogs and social media accounts. We'll start looking at ways that writing for electronic media differs from "traditional" media. We've already talked about some - location awareness, atemporality (time factors), chunkiness, non-linearity....
Here's the first question, though. What are you reading? What do you read online? How is that different from what you read in print? Is your process of reading different online than it is offline?
One of my favorite things to read online is a blog written by Dr. Steven Novella called Neurologica. The blog focuses on critical thinking, skepticism, and investigating incredible claims in science and medicine. (I also regularly listen to Novella's weekly podcast, The Skeptics' Guide to the Universe.)
One of the things I like are how over time the blog entries have been linked together, so that Novella only has to provide a brief sentence or two of background on a topic covered before. This allows him to focus his readers' attention on the new claims or new data being examined.
In the last two years, my online reading has perhaps quadrupled, while my offline reading is about a quarter of what it was. I am reading more, and more broadly, now.
How about you? Post to your blog.
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